I have been busy at work, taking a Braille course and finding it so interesting, I have now finished the course and passed! YEY!. I can read Braille and Moon through sight.
I have also had a bit of a hard time at work from a member of staff who doesn't share my passion for Pec's (a form of communication) and the whole thing upset me for a while, but I am over that now.
I now also have a new Grand daughter called Nola Marie and we met her last saturday, she is the most gorgeous baby i have ever seen with a thick mop of black hair and the cutest little face.

Isn't she just the cutest!!
I had a surprise on Valentines day as well, my dear husband of nearly 20 years finally bought me not only a card, but also a ring, flowers and chocolates, he decided to buy them for me because apparently I always moan about not getting anything from him!! Bless him, I really do love that man :-)
On Sunday he also told me that I can have a new PC and so we took a trip to currys and found one I liked, but he didn't really like the price of!! I finally talked him round explaining that his game would play on it as it had the right graphics card already installed. I am now trying to find my way round vista after being used to xp for years!!
I am now on half term and so should have the time to get all the backlogged scrapping done, including the overlooked challenge and the A-Z journal and any challenges on UKS that i have missed recently!
The weekly challenge on Ukscrappers; which is set by my team this week is now up and I can't believe how many people are taking part in it, there are some fantastic LO's on there, well done to everyone who has taken part so far.
I will upload some LO's during this week; as soon as I get them done!! I think I will start with a LO about my darling Granddaughter.
I also really need to get out and about with my camera, hopefully going to Rye and Hastings on Friday with my twin sister and our daughters for a day out, so loads of opportunities to take some photo's there!! As long as the rain stays away!!
Well, time for housework now, but I promise I will be back on here before the end of the week!