And I haven't written a thing since August!
Got some catching up to do haven't I.
To start with I have started university and have nearly finished my first assignment. I have spent a small fortune on books for the first year of my degree, I don't mind though, I love books:-)
On the scrapping front, I have finally bought myself a cricut machine, only the baby one. I have now got 12 cartridges for it and there are still loads more that I want, but they will have to wait till christmas now. All I need to do now is find time to actually use them in my scrapping; which has been a bit hit and miss lately, actually if I am honest its been more miss than hit!!
Work has had me so busy I haven't had time to breathe let alone scrap and with uni it's like I have had no real 'me' time, but if I get this last piece of work done this week I will have at least 2 weeks before I get the next lot, plenty of time to play with the cricut LOL.
I have got to make a wedding mini book for a friend who got married during the summer holidays, I started it on Saturday, but my Zutter 'round it all' broke and now I am stuck until my sister comes down and lends me her one on Thursday.
Tony bought me a book on Sunday. Don't laugh, but it's a Jeremy Clarkson book LOL. It's called 'For crying out loud' and it's so funny. If you ever read his column in the paper then go and buy this book, preferrably from Asda as they are the cheapest!
Anyway, I will write on here again very soon, OK, but I won't leave it as long as last time LOL.