here for her to laugh at!!! Here you go Jackie, get the Tena Lady ready!!
Her name is Ruby, due to her ruby red hair!!! She wears a red gingham dress with pink apron over the top.
Anyway, onto other things. I had a great day out today with Kath. We went to Hythe and had a mooch around the charity shops, I got Rubys hair from one of them! I also got a small table top ironing board, that will save me having to get the full sized ironing board out just to press a hem or seam! Along with Rubys hair I also got a lot of other coloured wool, a rag doll, a raggedy doll money box, 3 sheets to use for quilting, a cup cake momey box, a cup cake trinket holder where the top lifts off and some primitive style christmas ornaments. We then went to the fabric wharehouse in Ashford where I bought 2 metres of cotton curtain lining, a metre of calico, 2 x 1 metres of gingham, 4 metres of quilt wadding and a metre of iron on interfacing. I also got some leather sewing needles for my machine, some denim needles, some bobbins, a taylors chalk and a set of doll needles!
I am really pleased with my purchases and now all I have to do is find soemwhere for them all to live!! A job for tomorrow maybe!
I am now going to show Tony my doll and let him have a good laugh before he goes to bed!!
Night all x x.