I bought 2 glass sugar bowls, a white porcelain chicken shaped gravy boat, a white porcelain basket, a small jug and bowl, a glass cake stand, a handpainted staffordshire mug with July on the inside (my birth month), a small porcelain bowl of cherries and a pin holder...

I also found this adorable little teddy, he is a Boyds Bear and his name is Billy Bob (on his label), I'm not sure if he is worth anything, but he is cute and only cost me 50p.
I also found this adorable little teddy, he is a Boyds Bear and his name is Billy Bob (on his label), I'm not sure if he is worth anything, but he is cute and only cost me 50p.
I have always wanted a jug and bowl, the sort that used to go on wash stands, but have never found a big one cheap enough, so when I saw this little set I couldn't resist. It only cost me £1.00, bargain.
This sweet little bowl of cherries cost me £1.00 as well.
Now this is my best find :-) The battery is there so you can see how small it is. I bought it as I have seen others use these to display their handmade cards. I searched all of ebay for one, but couldn't find one, I asked in florist shops, but they don't use them anymore, something about the fact the bases are made of lead!!!. Well, as Iwas paying for a couple of books for Craig in one shop I looked in a basket that was by the till and noticed the little box. It had a 50p sticker on it, so I grabbed it quick :)
I am really pleased with my finds and I am hoping to find more bargains at the bootfair that I am going to in the morning.
I also found 3 Virginia Andrews books to add to my collection. I have read her first series and have just got back in to her style of books. Sadly the secondhand book shop I go to doesn't have any of her books anymore, so I am constantly searching charity shops and bootfairs for any titles.
Craig came with me on my shopping trip and he found himself 5 books, he goes through books faster than me. I am dragging him to the bootfair tomorrow with a promise of buying him more books :-)
I'm not too sure if Becky will come with us, she's not happy about getting up at the crack of dawn to go trapsing around a bootfair! Tony will stay here as well, but then he has shelves to put up for me in the kitchen.
In other news...
We are getting new windows and a new kitchen fitten in August. What fun that will be. The dog will be going mad with all the strangers in the house and that also means that I will be stuck indoors during the summer holiday.
I handed my portfolio into university a couple of weeks ago and have had feedback from my tutor. He says that it will be in the 80+ range for marks, I am so pleased. The work I did for it was great and I am pleased that my write up portrayed that. I am on track for a first for this years work, yippee. I will be told formally in September.
My hand is healing ok, I am back at work on Monday after being unable to work for ages. I have fracture clinic in August to make sure the scaphoid fracture and the knuckle fracture are healing ok, but I am just so glad to be able to get back to work before the summer holidays.
It was my birthday on Monday and I got money! Mainly as no-one knows what to buy me... craft stuff? stuff for the house? handbags? shoes? books? etc, etc.
Tony bought me a lovely bracelet, but I can't wear it yet as I can only wear bracelets on my right wrist and at the moment I have a splint on that wrist! Can't wait till I don't have to wear that anymore I can tell you, hopefully Monday.
Anyway, I had better sign out now, early start tomorrow and all that! Have a fun weekend everyone. x x
I love having a good rummage in the charity shops, its amazing what some people get rid of :)