Well, not this blog, I AM going to keep it up-to-date.
I have been busy at work, well, until I caught the flu bug that is. I have been off work since Tuesday last week and have only been properly back online since today. I have managed to get a couple of LO's done though and I have taken a few photo's of a friend's 1-32 scale tractor, just so I could have a play with my camera as the weather has been miserable outside for the last couple of weeks.
Today I have been trying to find a venue for my darling son's 18th birthday party in March. He decided that he wants a party; I did ask if he wanted jelly and ice-cream at the party, but strangely enough he didn't take me seriously!!! I have been quoted anything from £185-£300 for the venues!! The cheapest includes a disco, the most expensive doesn't!! How do they work that out then???
I am tempted to join my local conservative club though, because if I join then I can hold the party there for a returnable deposit of only £50; which includes music. My Dad would turn in his grave if I joined though! He was a staunch Labour supporter, whereas I have no real political leanings.
Anyway, onto what this blog is mainly about: scrapbooking!
I have received my email about the 'B' page for my 'About me' journal and will get that page done tomorrow, not sure which word/s to use for 'B' yet, but I have a list of words I can choose from, so will sort those out tomorrow.
I have also got the journalling prompt for the 'overlooked' challenge I have joined, I have jotted down my thoughts for the journalling, just need to wait for the LO prompt on Monday then I can get the first LO done. I have decided to do this using a 6x6 album; two reasons for this choice:
1. I think I will have trouble filling a 12x12 page.
2. I have loads of 6x6 albums and papers that need using:)
Also, I have completed my LO for my Crafty Magpies team February challenge on UKScrappers, I won't upload it here until after the challenge has started in February, don't want to give the game away before the event do I!!!
I had better get to bed now, before I go here are a couple of LO's I have done this week, plus a photo of the tractor I took. The 'The cowardly lion' layout is for this week's challenge on UKS; this challenge was from the Ruby Snippers team and I really enjoyed their challenge:)

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