I can't believe I haven't blogged for ages, I knew this would happen when I started this blog:)
Anyway, lots has happened since I last blogged, some good, some not so good.
The not so good is that my eldest sister had a bleed in her brain and was rushed to hospital after collapsing at home, she had to have surgery to stop the bleed and after 2 weeks was allowed home, she is now recovering well, thankfully:)
The good news is that I have decided to go to university and study for a degree in Intellectual and developmental disabilities, I have sent off my application and am now waiting to hear if I have a place. I am so keeping my fingers crossed that I get in. I also have a new PC, I am getting used to Vista, but prefer XP, but I am loving having a PC that my daughter can't go on, she has the old one and now we don't fight over who's turn it it. All that needs to be done now is to set up the network with the printer, at the moment if I want to print anything I have to load it onto my memory stick and then go to the other PC to load and print off from there (a right pain if dear daughter is on it at the time).
I am on Easter break at the moment, only 1 week left now though and I have so much to do before I go back to work. I have managed to only get 4 Layouts done this month so far, I feel like I need a kick up the backside to get me scrapping again.
We started re-decorating the kitchen yeterday, Tony plastered part of the wall, I filled in the cracks around the walls that surfaced after the earthquake last year! then we both set about painting the walls a lovely chocolate latte colour. We noticed in B&Q that all their kitchen doors were half price so we measured up and went and bought lovely walnut doors today, only to find when we went to fix the first one to the cabinet that the hinges didn't line up with the drilled holes in the cabinets! Well, after 3 hours Tony had had enough, he had drilled new holes in the cabinet for the hinges and they still didnt meet up, so needless to say the doors will be going back to B&Q tomorrow and I will be painting the existing doors with the chocolate brown paint I originally bought to do them with. I need to take some photo's to go in the kitchen and Tony is getting some small shelves for one wall for all of my cookery books anf then that room will be done, thank goodness!!
Tomorrow I am going to Rye and Hastings with my twin sister for the day, we are going on a photography day out, just us two! Hopefully we will also find a craft shop of some sort to buy a few 'essentials' in, like you do on a day out!!
I loved the snow we had last week and so did Skip, it was his first sight of snow and he wasn't quite sure about it but loved catching snowballs, I managed to get some photo's before it melted.

This is skip catching his first snowball!!

The view from my front window, a lovely sight.
That sight will soon change though as we have workmen buildng new houses opposite us, they make great alarm clocks, making a hell of a racket at 7am!!!! Not nice when I am on holiday!
Well, anyway I have better go and get my camera batteries charged up ready for tomorrow.
I promise that I will keep this blog updated from now on:)